WaxCracker.com spawned from my late night sports musings and love for sports card collecting. I am an avid chaser of autograph and relic cards, when my wallet can afford it.

Wax Cracker will document the ups and downs of a card collector. Collectors know the experience and joy of opening up a pack full of stud players on fancily-designed cards, and the racing heartbeat that goes along with pulling a great insert card. However, there always seems to be those horrendously terrible packs full of players you will never see or hear from again.

Over the next 365 days I plan to take that daily roller coaster ride by opening a pack of sports cards a day and documenting the experience. If you have any products you would like to recommend that I open or if you want to send something my way for us all to enjoy opening together, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to interacting with you and sharing my love of sports and card collecting.

Casey L. Shaw